Life Skills   

Many services benefit a variety of ages.  Services are scheduled based on your interest.  Express your interest to have us schedule a group within your child/youth’s age and skill level.

Book an intake appointment, we’ll provide information about our services and support. We’ll also gather some key info about you or the person being referred. 

Caring for Myself

This program helps participants discuss one’s motivation for hygiene routines. Teaching, modelling, and practicing focus on the following targets:

The skills covered in Caring for Myself are the foundations of developing healthy relationships with others and strengthening relationships with family members. 

Food with Friends

Join us in person, for a friendship-themed cooking program. Participants learn to cook and prepare food items to increase their independence and comfort in the kitchen. We will learn kitchen safety & hygiene, basic cooking skills, along with social activities each evening.  

Participants will leave each session with new recipes to add to their collection, as well as items they have made to share with family & friends. Through exploring the social side of cooking, participants could use the recipes and skills learned to share with family and friends during a gathering.

Go To The Now!


Go To The Now! is a program that leads youth through a sequence of research-based mindfulness exercises - exercises that have been shown to boost attention, increase compassion, regulate emotions, calm the nervous system, enhance adaptability, and cultivate resilience.

Your youth will learn that mindfulness means paying attention to the present moment and observing one’s thoughts and feelings without judging them. At the heart of this practice is the idea that you are not your thoughts, and with this understanding, it becomes easier to know that challenging emotions (and even situations) are not forever - they will pass!


Growth Mindset

Increase neuroplasticity by moving from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

This program will focus on lessons such as;



GoStrengths! is a comprehensive social and emotional learning program focusing on 8 vital skills including goal-setting, optimistic thinking, problem-solving, resilience, character strengths, emotional regulation, social skills, and self-confidence.

Participants will learn & practice through activities, practice, animations and more! 


Anxiety & Stress

The GoZen! anxiety relief program is broken down into 8 modules that teach particpants how to understand and control their anxiety and worry. And because stress, pressure, and challenges are part of everyday life, these are skills that can be used forever. 

Sessions use videos, activities, and practice to help cultivate social and emotional learning.

Job Tips

Looking to join the workforce or begin volunteering? Get Job Ready with our job readiness program.  Learn new skills or refresh some previously learned.  The program will include activities, games, videos, and role-plays to help get you ready as you begin employment.  During the sessions, each participant will create a resume, look for positions available, and experience an interview. Topics covered include; 

This program is best for youth/adults interested in future employment with average language skills.

Money Talks

Increase financial literacy with our Money Talks program.  Participants will learn through a mix of games, practice, videos, and other activities.  

Beginner Level Includes:

Advanced Level Includes:

Motivation & Organization

Motivation & Organization is a 12-session program for those looking for support with learning to get organized and motivated at school.  Sessions will include video modeling, games, activities, and practice. Topics covered:  

Sprouts - School Readiness

Help your little one increase their school readiness through our Sprouts Program. During these one-hour sessions, we will practice typical school activities & routines while focusing on social-emotional learning in a fun & supportive learning environment.  The ideal age for this program is 3-5 years.

Parents and caregivers are welcome to remain onsite, however, we strongly encourage not staying in the same room as your child.

Zones of Regulation



Regulating emotions is a life skill most people are constantly developing.  In these sessions, we will look at flexible thinking, how to develop a positive mindset, the size of the problem, as well as how to identify triggers and manage intense emotions.